

Erasmus+ KA2 – Strategic partnerships (2015-1-FR01-KA202-015007)

The Challenge

VET towards ECVET covers the consideration of ECVET in trainings related to tourism. We notably focus on 2 sectors : hotel receptionist and seller in touristic areas. This project involves French, Northern Irish, German, Portuguese and Italian partners to implement a certifying mobility of 45 days in order to validate learning units of professional title of "Seller in touristic areas" and of "Hotel receptionist". The project answers the needs in both sectors to prove mastery of a foreign language and cross-cultural approach to address customer appropriately. In 2009, the European Parliament and the Council recommended that member states "create the necessary conditions and adopt measures so that, as from 2012 [...], it is possible for ECVET to be gradually applied to VET qualifications at all levels of the EQF, and used for the purpose of the transfer, recognition and accumulation of individuals' learning outcomes achieved in formal and, where appropriate, non-formal and informal contexts". To prove the skills learnt abroad, the Europass Mobility is still insufficiently recognized in the world of work.

ECVET certification participates in the same process as Europass on recognition of skills acquired in another European country and allow learners to develop a training pathway. The objective of this project is to provide learners a deeper approach to classic European mobility by integrating it in the process of comprehensive training. In practise, this means to conduct an internship and improve the knowledge of a foreign language in order to expand employment opportunities by a better national recognition of skills used abroad, a more accurate and quantifiable reporting and transferable skills in new business situations.

ECVET is only in its infancy in terms of implementation in Europe. It turns out that the system of validation, transfer and transparency between vocational training courses in Europe is an important asset for people with problems of integration. VET TOWARDS ECVET will focus on the educational preparation of the mobility period, the gateways and tools that partner organizations will agree on to implement mobility and ECVET and to enable learners to enhance learning units to obtain a professional certification.

The Outputs

  • Research and report in every partner country on vocational training in tourism (seller in touristic areas
    and hotel receptionist) in their own country -> Result: European Synthesis as basis for next outcomes
  • Comparison of VET curricula and creation of common units for mobility in tourism sector
  • Creating an assessment system with criteria and a competent body for validation and
  • Creating an online questionnaire (moodle) for assessment during mobility
  • Methodological guide for the implementation of ECVET in the training pathways for "seller in tourist areas" and "hotel receptionist" for training organisations, intermediary organisations, guardians and stakeholders


    The Consortium

    The project is lead by AFEC EUROPE, a French vocational training organisation. The consortium is completed by ASSOCIAZIONE FORMAZIONE 80, an Italian non profit organization; Foyle International, a language school and project organization from the UK; Centro Europeu de Línguas, a provider of European language courses from Portugal and IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH.

    Team International

    Tel.: +49 (0) 335 5621-2100 // 2105
    Fax: +49 (0) 335 5621 2001

    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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