The VESTA project guides family enterprises in Europe to secure their special role within the economic system. The enterprises are supposed to be supported regarding the growth and preservation of their competitiveness.
The first step is to visit the VESTA-Website online where you the project goals as well as all activities and results of investigations are published.
In this way you can track the single steps of the aspiring project from the analysis of the situation of family enterprises in partner countries, to the development of aids and tools to support family enterprises up until the implementation of an self-created training program.
All tools are available with free access on the project website and offer opportunities like the self-evaluation of the biggest challenges. Then, family enterprises are being guided through challenging processes like tracing regulations, personnel management or strategy development.
You own a family enterprise and are interested in how other family enterprises in other EU countries deal with the current challenges? You want to further educate yourself or you are looking for suitable tools to improve internal processes? We would like to invite you to take a look on our Project-Website. Soon, there will be published an overview regarding the situation of family enterprises in the countries Italy, Spain, Slovenia and Germany. Take the chance to compare these. Please contact us to work with us together on the topic "family enterprises"
Vocational Education Solutions and Tools for fAmily enterprises
Coordinator: IAL FVG
01.10.2020 - 30.09.2022