Erasmus+ KA2 – Strategic partnerships (2014-1-IT01-KA202-002629)
VET@WORK project looks at one of the main challenge of the Europe 2020 Strategy: to reduce Early School Leaving (ESL) to less than 10% and contribute to increasing attainment in tertiary education to at least 40% by 2020. Completing upper secondary education is recommended as the minimum entrance qualification when making the crucial transition from education to the labour market.
To reinforce the motivation of learners and prevent ESL, the EU strongly foster the commitment to offer learners the opportunity and to have new flexible approaches based on Personal Learning Plans (PLPs) elaborated by VET staff (teachers, coaches, trainers, tutors) in collaboration with Enterprises Staff. This is in line with most EU countries educational policy which by law promote Alternation School-Work and/or Dual Systems aimed at supporting the stay in the educational context.
The project VET@WORK is inspired by the following main factors: 1) develop flexible pathways which connect the VET formal school curriculum to Work Based Learning acquired even in an EU context; 2) enrich the learning gained at school level with the acquiring of professional skills to facilitate the entrance to the labour market 3) foster the implementation of ECVET principles and tools. 4) reinforce a NA and EU Network of VET Schools, VET providers, Enterprises and Social Parties to allow the active participation in the Alternation School –Work or in the frame of the Dual system.
The VET@WORK partnership, composed of VET schools and providers, enterprises and a region is willing to build and share tools and methodologies to implement and validate Alternation School-Work and/or Dual System training pathways at NA and EU level by increasing the VET and Enterprises Staff competencies. The consortium is lead by IIS "Leonardo da Vinci". Further core partners from Italy are: Formazione Co&So Network, the Regione Molise and Reattiva. Other core partners are Jugend am Werk Steiermark GmbH (AT), Glasgow Clyde College (UK), IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH (DE) and Tallina Ehituskool (EE).
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