The project “TOTVET - Training of Tutors and VET professionals for high quality Work Based Learning and Dual Learning” is aiming to increase the professional competences of tutors and VET teachers and and managers, empower them to deliver a quality training in work based learning (WBL) and dual learning (DL) systems. The project will create an innovative and integrative European Training, aiming to improve the competences of different categories of VET professionals involved in work based learning and dual learning.
Partners will establish the training Curriculum for tutors and trainers in company, focused on organizing , planning and implementing training, assessing and of trainees. They will collect training/learning assessment materials from Internet and create new resources, learning tools, organized in a attractive form with links to additional resources, You tube videos, animations and quizzes.
A easy to navigate course, will be also built and made available on the project learning platform in the form in EN, RO, ES PL, DE. Using the resources created, parteners will set up a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), an innovative pedagogical approaches of co-learning through co-creation, based on digital integration in learning, aiming to train the tutors and workplace trainers of providing a good quality work-based learning and dual learning .