YOUTHVENTURE4EU aims to promote inclusive, sustainable, and digital entrepreneurship among young people by developing interactive challenge-based learning resources and empowering facilitators of learning with the necessary skills to implement this methodology in non-formal settings, fostering youth entrepreneurial spirit in an engaging and motivating way.
We aim to boost youth entrepreneurship in line with key EU priorities by fostering:
An Open Educational Resource (OER) with digital and challenge-based learning resources based on key aspects of inclusive, green, and digital entrepreneurship to inspire youth, including:
Youth building a new tomorrow: Promoting Inclusive, Sustainable and Digital Entrepreneurship through e-Gamification- YouthVenture4EU
Project number: 2024-1-ES02-KA220-YOU-000254395
Call: 2024 Round 1 – Erasmus+ KA220-YOU
Key Action 2: Cooperation partnerships in youth