
Foster the access to career opportunities for young migrants (GO2VET)

GO2VET - A common approach to foster the access to the Vocational Education and Training career opportunities for TCNs is an EU project co-funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) under the topic of multi-stakeholder initiatives for migrant integration into the labour market.

GO2VET wants to reduce obstacles to VET career guidance services for TCNs young and adult people living in the partners’ countries by facilitating their access to information, by improving quality of the services provided and by fostering the capacity of the operators.

GO2VET- Flyer- German



About the project

VET (Vocational Education and Training) represents an alternative educational path for young and adult Third Country Nationals (TCNs) wishing to grow professionally.
However, access to vocational training paths for TCNs based on assessment and validation of skills or qualifications is not widely available across EU countries.

Thus, GO2VET has been designed to answer the needs of TCNs especially refugees and asylum seekers and those who are likely to remain in the countries involved in the partnership. It wants to improve the effective access to VET career guidance services for TCNs young people living in the partners countries by defining a common approach to address their needs, based on the real situation of the main existing barriers.

GO2VET will have a good impact on young TCNs in need of a job or adult TCNs willing to reskill for a better work. By piloting one-stop-shops for vocational education and training (VET) career guidance services, GO2VET will promote effective access to qualified orientation training services, guiding users through all the steps necessary to enter a vocational training path.

Young and adult TCNs accessing the GO2VET services will count on skills assessment, the correct validation of qualifications and proposal for work-based learning experiences eventually leading to the final integration into the labour market.

Project design

Map of the main obstacles preventing TCNs to go on VET


Collection of the lessons learnt by partners’ operators
Practical guidelines for TCNs service workers to provide VET career guidance services
Multilevel Training Programme

How will you benefit from it?

In the FIRST PHASE partners will work to map main barriers and bottlenecks preventing young and adult TCNs to access vocational training paths and to define a common approach and a multilevel capacity building programme for operators working in public/NGOs VET careers guidance services.

In the SECOND PHASE partners will organise and deliver the blended training programme for operators and they will further pilot one-stop-shops for TCNs young ad adult people approaching vocational training paths.


GO2VET- Foster the access to career opportunities for young migrants

Project: 101140710

03/2024 - 02/2027


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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